Sleep Apnea Mouthpiece

Oral Appliance Therapy is an Alternative to CPAP.
Oral appliances are worn in the mouth to treat snoring and Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA). These devices are similar to orthodontic retainers or sports mouth guards. Patients with mild or moderate OSA may find improvement with the use of a sleep apnea mouthpiece. Oral Appliance Therapy involves the selection, design, fitting and use of a custom made sleep apnea mouth guard that is worn during sleep. This appliance then attempts to maintain an opened, unobstructed airway in the throat. Oral appliances have been approved by the FDA for the treatment of snoring and/or sleep apnea. Oral appliances may be used alone or in combination with other means of treating OSA such as weight management, surgery or CPAP.
Oral appliances are small and convenient, easy to wear and maintain. This makes traveling much easier using a dental device. (
Dental Sleep Medicine
Due to the fact patients tend to visit their dentist more often than their physicians, dentists are in a good position to determine if a patient suffers from a sleep disorder. By asking a few questions and examining the patient’s mouth/jaw, dentists are able to advise a patient of a potential problem.
Treatment Options
CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) is one of the most common and effective treatments for collapsed airways. However, this therapy may not be tolerated with all patients. Other treatments available would be the oral device for sleep apnea or surgery.
Also, good sleep hygiene, weight loss and exercise are some helpful OSA treatments a patient can practice on their own.
Call our office at 1-800-249-1445 and we can help you locate a sleep apnea dental specialist in your area.